Cartoons on Growth Panic
In the following I comment three political cartoons from about the political group process. Cartoon 1: Jeff Danziger, Nov. 16, 2020 Commentary: - The morning star is a striking…
In the following I comment three political cartoons from about the political group process. Cartoon 1: Jeff Danziger, Nov. 16, 2020 Commentary: - The morning star is a striking…
We should see it as it is: the power of the small, rural, conservative states in the US political system is quite strong. They have a lot of weight in…
Politics has an unknown dimension - it is also an unconscious process involving unconscious feelings of purity, strength and liberation. It is about the defense against unendurable feelings, which originate…
One could wonder whether the USA is going to become a dysfunctional state like authoritarian and anti-democratic states, with voters supporting corrupt politicians or ideologues engaging in harmful policies, as…
I think it would help to better understand the meaning of Trump’s wild accusations against reasonable politicians and officials. Let’s take the example of Trump’s rant against former Ambassador Marie…
Within the ongoing political group process our reasonable personality parts in politics gained in strength compared to the position of our dissociated personality parts, our alter egos. Just look at…
In the Journal of Psychohistory it is argued that «Donald Trump maintains his presidency against the opposition of more than half of the country «… and that «fundamentalist immersion in…
Left-liberals on a global level badly failed 3 times in this century for ideological reasons. 2008 when they believed during the presidential election , that there were no important differences…
Florian Galler Remarks on Group Process, Mar 26, 2019 Brexit: Ideology and Promise The British prime-minister Theresa May will probably not be able to address reasonable members of parliament in…
Oct. 2, 2018 Multilateralism «under pressure»Herunterladen